What is the Personal Injuries Assessment Board? How Does it Work?

The Personal Injuries Assessment Board is the governing body that is responsible for assessing the personal injuries compensation. All claims associated with possible injuries except the medical negligence cases must be brought forward to PIAB before carrying forward it to the court. It was first established in 2003 to reduce the expense and time associated with a personal injury claim process. One must understand the basics of assessment to ensure they start and finish the personal injury claim process without any hassle.


How does PIAB work?

Any claim for compensation of losses or injuries must be submitted to PIAB within two years, from the date of the accident. Or the time frame can be two years from the date of accident knowledge. The person who has experienced the loss must fill an application form that can be found on the official website ( https://www.piab.com/ ). Besides, he will be asked to present a medical, legal report of the doctor that specifies a prognosis and treatment related to the injury. The process of applying for the post will require some money.

Once the application has been acknowledged by PAIB, the time limit for bringing the case to the court for a personal injury claim will end. The person who is bringing the personal injury claim for compensation will be known as the recipient. Now the PAIB will send a copy to the faulty party. This will include the application form and the medical report of the suffering party. They will be called the respondent during the entire process. The respondent generally has a period of 90 days within which they have to accept or reject the matter. When the respondent consents with the dealing, they have 90 days to revert.

 Also, they must pay the processing fees. While in case if the respondent does not consent to the dealings, then PAIB issue a document known as an authorization that will allow the person asking for the compensation for injuries to carry forward the claim through the court system.

Suppose the accident is not accepted then the matter usually is headed by PAIB. It will be handled by PAIB for nine months from the date the respondent's receipt of consent is received. This period can extend. Thus during this time, PAIB arranges for the medical check-up of the affected party. Besides, the person asking for personal injury settlement must also have to submit details of any out of the pocket expenses like pharmacy expense, medical, or any loss of earnings.

At the end period, PIAB has the right to ask the person asking for personal injury settlement the details of the assessment. Assessment here is a breakdown of the compensation that PAIB determines as appropriate for the financial losses and injuries. It will be based entirely upon the medical evidence and losses submitted to the board.

When the PAIB assessment is received, the recipient will have a period of 28 days. While the respondent will have 21 days to decide. When both the parties accept the order to pay for the loss is provided, which will have the same effect as a court. When it is done, the respondent will have to arrange for the payment within a period of three to six weeks, and then the claim is complete.

When any of the parties rejects the assessment, then PAIB will issue a document authorization, allowing the person claiming the compensation for loss or injury to progress the claim to the court.


Take help from a good expert.

The Personal injury settlement case can be complicated. You must have some professional support to ensure you get the settlement amount you deserve. Sinnott Solicitors is the one you can consider for help. They have the best legal experts who will guide you well and ensure that you get positive results. With customised plans and expertise, the professionals will fight your case and will ensure fast results.


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